15 Februari 2013

Dead hearts

first of all, happy valentine's day guys :) i hate to admit that i spent this year's valentine's day alone, last year's and 2011's too. I receive chocolate but it was only from Marlisa and i never received it from anyone else except her.
I didnt really care about valentine's day at first, but then i saw a lot of girls post pictures of roses, gifts and cards that were given from their boyfriends on instagram and somehow, it makes me feel lonely, sad and unloved. 
I miss that feeling of being taken and being in a relationship. It's just nice to have someone who sends you goodmorning and goodnight texts every day, to have someone who gives you surprises on your anniversary or valentine's day or any other days. to have someone who gives you a lot of wonderful memories to remember, to have someone you can act silly with and be absolutely comfortable with. 
I want all that, you know. but i'm still single til now. maybe it's not my time yet, idk.

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